
Hi I’m Ruth,

I’m a hair colorist and cutting expert in St. Louis. I’m also one of the three owners and founders of Colorwheel Hair. I treasure the time I get to connect one on one with my clients here at the salon. That is why we created a relaxed, comfortable environment. Here we focus on all things hair, catch up on our lives and take a break from the chaos of life. I’ve been a stylist for over 15 years. I specialize in creating healthy dimensional hair color. But also have a special place in my heart for precision haircutting methods. 

In 2005 I got a job working at the front desk of a hair salon where I worked for a year before deciding I wanted to make it my career. I had the unique experience of getting licensed by apprenticeship instead of going to cosmetology school. which means i dedicated 3000 hours to training one on one under a master stylist. Since then I have spent countless hours continuing my education and I love to learn new things.

When I’m not in the salon I’m reading with my six year old daughter and trying to find time for a quick jog in Forest Park. 

If you’re interested in scheduling an appointment with me click HERE to fill out a request form.